Tooth Extractions

Tooth Extractions Raleigh, NC

Remove infected, decayed, or crowded teeth.

You might think a dental extraction (also known as pulling a tooth) goes against a dentist’s goal of saving teeth. And it’s true; our practice is always committed to doing everything possible to maintain your natural teeth. However, in certain circumstances, dental extractions are sometimes necessary.

Depending on several possible factors, we may decide that it is in your best interest to remove the tooth completely. These factors include your treatment plan, the condition of the teeth in question, and the position of surrounding teeth. Examples of treatments that may require extraction include preparation for dentures, dental implants, or orthodontic treatment. We also may opt for extraction when tooth decay progresses beyond a point we can successfully restore the tooth.

If your teeth have reached a level of damage you feel requires an extraction, please contact our office today by calling (919) 847-6453. We’ll assess the condition of your teeth and provide the appropriate recommendation regarding extractions.

When a dental extraction is the only alternative, we will ensure you are anesthetized and comfortable before removing the tooth. In some complex cases, such as severely impacted teeth, our office will recommend an oral surgeon to remove the tooth.

About Nitrous Oxide

We may elect to use nitrous oxide (N2O) to improve comfort for nervous patients or those in pain. Nitrous oxide (commonly known as “laughing gas”) is an odorless gas administered through a mask. It produces a form of conscious relaxation. Although this method is not used in place of a local anesthetic injection, it does raise the threshold of pain, making dental procedures such as a tooth extraction more relaxed and comfortable.

Modern dentistry has a lot to offer patients to ensure a virtually painless treatment session. Nitrous oxide is just one example!

After an extraction… Socket Graft!

Once you’ve had a tooth extraction, we highly recommend receiving a socket graft. Having a missing tooth creates a significant void, not just in your smile but in your jawbone as well (right in the place where your tooth’s roots used to be). If left in this condition, the surrounding teeth will start to shift or tilt toward the open space. Even the opposing tooth (with nothing to chew against) will protrude farther out into the gap. Getting a socket graft addresses these stability concerns and provides the healthy bone necessary to accommodate a dental implant, should you choose that option to replace the missing tooth.

The procedure is straightforward; we simply fill the socket with the bone grafting material, secure it in place, and wait for healing to occur. Afterward, your jaw will have increased strength and stability and plenty of bone to receive a dental implant or other restoration!