On Guard Against Oral Cancer
Oral Cancer is the fifth most common cancer in the world, it kills about one-third of those diagnosed with it, and 28,000 new cases occur each year. And over 25% of oral cancers occur in people who don't smoke or [...]
Oral Cancer is the fifth most common cancer in the world, it kills about one-third of those diagnosed with it, and 28,000 new cases occur each year. And over 25% of oral cancers occur in people who don't smoke or [...]
Back and forth goes the argument—what toothbrush is best? Gadgeteers can spend $150 for an electric brush designed to rotate and oscillate, with angled neck, sure-grip handle, dual speed control, and even a timer. Researchers say that rotation-oscillation electric brushes [...]
Start reading labels to choose the right toothpaste for you and your family. All toothpastes have certain ingredients in common. They'll contain mild abrasives for scrubbing, foaming detergents to help float away debris, fluoride to protect tooth enamel, thickening agents [...]
What's long, slender, hard, sharp, indigestible and potentially hazardous? That common and seemingly harmless sliver of wood called a toothpick. Reports in the Journal of the American Medical Association point to toothpicks as causing thousands of injuries a year, mostly [...]
Tell Your Dentist Before Starting Chemotherapy Anyone facing cancer therapy already knows that chemotherapy is tough to go through. Treatment of cancer is a serious response to a severe condition. What they may not know is that a dental appointment [...]
What are the Effects on Teeth? Dentally speaking, is drinking alcohol a good thing or a bad thing for your teeth and gums? As with everything alcohol-related, there are positives and negatives. On the one hand, a mixer-free shot of [...]
We don't hear a lot about vitamin D. It's crucial for healthy teeth and bones because it helps you absorb calcium. And the easiest way to get your minimum daily requirement is—take a walk in the sun! Vitamin D is [...]
The medicine you take for one physical disorder may literally rot your teeth. This fact is one of many reasons we need to know your medical history and current treatments. This Medicine, For Instance... Chewable vitamin C supplements are a [...]
Bulimia Symptoms & Resources If you recognize symptoms of bulimia in yourself or someone in your family, you have something in common with over 500,000 other people. Do You: Worry about how much you eat—all the time? Start a new [...]
Stop Smoking Today! Giving up smoking is crucial for oral health. If you've spent the time and effort to get your mouth and teeth in shape, then make sure you aren't forgetting about this extra bad habit. As if there [...]