The Rubber Dental Dam
Throughout your treatment at our office, we want to keep you comfortable and safe while providing the best possible care. During many of our procedures we use a rubber dam (aka dental dam) to help. The rubber dam is a [...]
Throughout your treatment at our office, we want to keep you comfortable and safe while providing the best possible care. During many of our procedures we use a rubber dam (aka dental dam) to help. The rubber dam is a [...]
It started out as an unconventional theory. But now, more and more scientists, physicians and dentists are seeing the connection between gum disease and potentially fatal heart attacks. What would a problem with your gums have in common with an [...]
MI Paste, a calcium-phosphate remineralizing paste, is a safe and effective way to treat a variety of oral health conditions. It may also be the most effective way to reduce cavities in mature adults, especially when combined with the use [...]
Train that Tongue Without therapy, the wrong oral habits, sooner or later, will cause tooth movement, breathing and speech problems You'd think swallowing is easy as falling off a log. But some of us need help retraining muscles that we've [...]
Everyone is concerned about money these days. But the only way to save wisely is to calculate your net gain (or loss). We agree that it's silly to drive 20 miles to save 3 cents a gallon on gas, but [...]
We are Growing Older... As the population ages—more gracefully than ever, of course—we're keeping more teeth. Along with wisdom and experience, however, come different health problems. Among them, cavities on the surface of the tooth root, what we call root [...]
A healthy flow of saliva is critical for chewing and digestion, bathing gums, and bacterial control. And we owe it all to salivary glands, three pairs of organs in the cheek and floor of the mouth. Each gland secretes saliva [...]
Just the Facts There's so much conflicting information regarding drinking alcohol blasting at us these days. A glass of red wine is good? Is even drinking at all a good idea? It's a matter of proportion. The facts are these. [...]
Where Bad Breath Comes From Most, but not all, bad breath comes from bacterial plaque and food accumulated mainly towards the back of the tongue. The problem is, there are all sorts of not-likely-but-possible other reasons for halitosis: upset stomach, [...]
Once teeth are missing from the jawbone—whether one or many; whether from accident or disease—something very important is missing as well. That's tooth stability. Any denture wearer will tell you there's nothing more upsetting than a slipping lower denture and [...]